You can create a Cohabitation Agreement by completing LawDepot’s questionnaire. Using our template ensures you complete the following necessary steps.
1. State if you and your partner already live together
Start your Cohabitation Agreement by stating if you and your partner already live together. If you do, include the shared property’s address and when you moved in.
2. You and your partner provide your details
Include the names and genders of you and your partner in your Cohabitation Agreement.
3. Outline how household expenses will be split
Outline how you and your partner will split household expenses. If you won’t be splitting the expenses evenly, specify how they will be divided between the two of you. It’s common for cohabiting couples to decide on a percentage of the expenses each partner will be responsible for, or to assign specific expenses to each of you.
Household expenses can include:
- Mortgage or rent
- Utilities
- Phone
- TV (i.e., cable or satellite)
- Internet
- Groceries
- Property tax
If you’re using a joint bank account to pay your bills, also specify how much money each partner will contribute to the account per month.
4. Create a list of separate and shared assets/debts (if applicable)
If you and your partner have noteworthy assets or debts, attach a list or include them in your Cohabitation Agreement.
Separate assets or debts
Separate assets or debt are owned by only one partner in a cohabiting relationship. The owner retains control and responsibility of it in the event of a breakup. In other words, there will be no question as to who legally owns the asset or debt or whether the other party is entitled to it.
Shared assets or debts
Shared assets or debts are items, property, bank accounts, or loans you and your partner co-own or share responsibility for. In the event of a breakup, you can either divide the assets or debt between the two of you or one party can pay half of the value to the other party.
Shared assets can include real estate, vehicles, bank accounts or credit cards, furniture, or any other possessions you co-own with a partner.
It’s a good idea to specify how you’ll divide joint debt even if you currently don’t have any.
5. State if children are involved
Dependent children are biological or adopted children that the parents have a legal obligation to support. State if you and your spouse have any dependent children together or from a previous relationship.
Parents have a legal responsibility to financially support dependent children. A child is dependent if they are under the age of 18 years old. The age rises to 23 years old if they’re in full-time education. Maintenance can also be applied if the child is over 18 and under 23 and they wish to attend further education, but are financially unable to do so.
If the child has a mental or physical disability to such a degree that it won’t be possible for the child to maintain themselves fully, then there is no age limit for seeking maintenance for their support. Each party must disclose their finances to a court which will ultimately consider all of the family’s circumstances when making a maintenance order.
6. Indicate if maintenance payments will be made in the event of a breakup
Maintenance is financial support from one spouse to the other in the event one of them can’t meet their own reasonable expenses after their relationship has come to an end.
You and your partner can agree that one of you will pay maintenance to the other. If you can’t agree and apply to the court for maintenance, the party seeking financial support must demonstrate that they’re unable to adequately support themselves and their partner is reasonably able to support them.
In order to qualify for maintenance, the partner seeking financial support must have been cohabiting with their partner for at least five years or at least two years if they have had a child with their partner.
7. Outline any additional clauses
Include any additional terms or conditions that your Cohabitation Agreement doesn't already cover. For example, you may want to clarify what happens to any co-owned pets.
8. Provide the signing details
State when the parties will sign the Cohabitation Agreement and if it will be signed in front of a practising solicitor/Commissioner of Oaths. If it isn’t, include how many witnesses will be present for the signing.