Free Satisfaction of Mortgage

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Satisfaction of Mortgage


Your Satisfaction of Mortgage

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This document prepared by (and after recording returned to):
Name: __________
Firm/Company: __________
Address: __________
Phone: __________
Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number: __________



Above this line reserved for official use only


_________________________ of _________________________ (the "Mortgagee"), does hereby certify and declare that the owner and holder of that certain mortgage bearing the date March 3, 2025 executed by _________________________ of _________________________ (the "Mortgagor") to secure payment of the principal sum of $__________ dollars and interest, and recorded at the Office of the Probate Court of __________, Alabama on March 3, 2025, that formerly encumbered the described real property: ______________________________________________________________________________________ which was recorded in ______________________________________________________________________________________ has been FULLY SATISFIED AND DISCHARGED.

IN WITNESS WEREOF the Mortgagee has duly affixed his or her signature under hand and seal on the ________ day of ________________, ________.

in the presence of:

WITNESS: ____________________




COUNTY OF ____________________

I ____________________________, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that _________________________ whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me (or satisfactorily proven), acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the instrument, he/she executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand this ________ day of ________________, ________.

__________________________(Notary Public Signature)
Notary Public

My commission expires: __________________________

Last Updated December 30, 2024

Related Documents:

  • Deed of Reconveyance: a document that transfers the title of real property from a trustee to a trustor after the trustor has paid off their property loan
  • Deed of Trust: a document that transfers the title of real property to a trustee as security for a loan
  • Mortgage Agreement: an agreement that's used to secure a loan for the purchase of real estate
  • Promissory Note: an enforceable promise that a borrower will pay back a lender
  • Real Estate Purchase Agreement: an agreement that details the purchase and sale of real estate
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Mortgage Satisfaction

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