Free Power of Attorney for Child

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Power of Attorney for Child

Governing Law

Governing Law


AlabamaBuilt for Alabama
Different states have different rules and regulations. Your Power of Attorney for Child will be customized for Alabama.

Frequently Asked Questions
Which governing law should I choose?Choose the state where the Power of Attorney for Child will be signed (executed).What is a Power of Attorney for Child for?A Power of Attorney for Child allows a parent or guardian to delegate broad or specific parental powers to a third party for a temporary period of time. It may also be referred to as a Power of Attorney to Delegate Parental Power, a Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child, an Authorization Agreement for Nonparent Caregiver, etc.

The Power of Attorney for Child does not transfer guardianship or legal custody, and does not change or deprive the parent or guardian of any parental or legal authority regarding the care and custody of their child.

If you wish to transfer guardianship or legal custody, you will need to comply with state laws regarding guardianship applications and may need to use a prescribed form.

Your Power of Attorney for Child

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Power of Attorney for Child
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  1. I, ____________________ of ____________________________________, am the parent or guardian of the following minor child: __________________ of ___________________________, born March 28, 2025 (the "Child).
  2. I appoint ____________________ of ___________________________, home phone number: ___________________, work phone number: ___________________, email address: __________, to be my agent (the "Agent") with regard to the care and custody of the Child.
  3. I hereby delegate to the Agent all my powers and responsibilities regarding the care and custody of the Child, except the power to consent to the marriage or adoption of the Child; the termination of parental rights to the Child; or the performance or inducement of an abortion on or for the Child, for the duration as herein set out.
  4. The rights and responsibilities granted in this Power of Attorney for Child become effective on March 28, 2025, and will remain in full force and effect until March 28, 2025, or until this Power of Attorney for Child is revoked in writing, or is terminated as required by law.
  5. It is not my intention to relinquish my parental rights in and to the Child.
  6. I agree that any third party who lawfully relies on the authority granted in this document shall not be held liable for any claims arising against them due to that reliance.
The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a license.

Related Documents:

  • Child Medical Consent: Authorize a caregiver to manage your child’s medical care without the authority to control non-medical decisions, such as education-related ones.
  • Child Travel Consent: If your child is traveling without you, document your consent to their trip so they can travel seamlessly.
  • Power of Attorney: Appoint someone to make financial or property decisions on your behalf.
  • Revocation of Power of Attorney: Cancel or revoke a Power of Attorney at any time, even if the Power of Attorney has a specified end date.
  • Last Will and Testament: Protect your family after you’re gone by appointing a guardian for your minor children and dividing your assets.
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Power of Attorney for Child

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