Free Pour-Over Will

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Pour-Over Will



Your Pour-Over Will transfers any assets left outside your Living Trust into it upon your death.

Your Pour-Over Will

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LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ____________________

I, ____________________, presently of ____________________, Ohio, declare that this is my Last Will and Testament.

  2. Prior Wills and Codicils
  3. I revoke all prior Wills and Codicils.
  4. Current Children
  5. I do not have any living children.
  6. The term 'child' or 'children' as used in this Will includes the above listed children and any children of mine that are subsequently born or legally adopted.

  8. Definition
  9. The expression 'my Executor' used throughout this Will includes either the singular or plural number, or the masculine or feminine gender as appropriate wherever the fact or context so requires. The term 'executor' in this Will is synonymous with and includes the terms 'personal representative' and 'executrix'.
  10. Appointment
  11. I appoint __________ of __________, Ohio as the sole Executor of this Will.
  12. No bond or other security of any kind will be required of any Executor appointed in this Will.
  13. Powers of My Executor
  14. I give and appoint to my Executor the following duties and powers with respect to my estate:
    1. To pay my legally enforceable debts, funeral expenses and all expenses in connection with the administration of my estate and the trusts created by this Will as soon as convenient after my death. If any of the real property devised in this Will remains subject to a mortgage at the time of my death, then I direct that the devisee taking that mortgaged property will take the property subject to that mortgage and that the devisee will not be entitled to have the mortgage paid out or resolved from the remaining assets of the residue of my estate;
    2. To take all legal actions to have the probate of this Will completed as quickly and simply as possible, and as free as possible from any court supervision, under the laws of the State of Ohio;
    3. To retain, exchange, insure, repair, improve, sell or dispose of any and all personal property belonging to my estate as my Executor deems advisable without liability for loss or depreciation;
    4. To invest, manage, lease, rent, exchange, mortgage, sell, dispose of or give options without being limited as to term and to insure, repair, improve, or add to or otherwise deal with any and all real property belonging to my estate as my Executor deems advisable without liability for loss or depreciation;
    5. To purchase, maintain, convert and liquidate investments or securities, and to vote stock, or exercise any option concerning any investments or securities without liability for loss;
    6. To open or close bank accounts;
    7. To maintain, continue, dissolve, change or sell any business which is part of my estate, or to purchase any business if deemed necessary or beneficial to my estate by my Executor;
    8. To maintain, settle, abandon, sue or defend, or otherwise deal with any lawsuits against my estate;
    9. To employ any lawyer, accountant or other professional; and
    10. Except as otherwise provided in this Will, to act as my Trustee by holding in trust the share of any minor beneficiary, and to keep such share invested, pay the income or capital or as much of either or both as my Executor considers advisable for the maintenance, education, advancement or benefit of such minor beneficiary and to pay or transfer the capital of such share or the amount remaining of that share to such beneficiary when he or she reaches the age of majority or, during the minority of such beneficiary, to pay or transfer such share to any parent or guardian of such beneficiary subject to like conditions and the receipt of any such parent or guardian discharges my Executor.
  15. The above authority and powers granted to my Executor are in addition to any powers and elective rights conferred by state or federal law or by other provision of this Will and may be exercised as often as required, and without application to or approval by any court.

  17. Payment of Debts and Expenses
  18. I direct that any debts owed, including but not limited to, expenses associated with the probate of this Will, the payment of taxes, funeral expenses or any other expense resulting from the administration of this Will will be paid first from my estate.
  19. Disposition of Property
  20. Except as otherwise provided in this Will, all of the property that I own at my death, or which may become payable to my estate or my Executor, and any property that I have the power to dispose of under this Will shall be distributed to the trustee of the _____________________ dated March 28, 2025 to be administered and distributed as provided under that trust.

  22. Trustee Definition
  23. The expression 'my Trustee' used throughout this Will includes either the singular or plural number, or the masculine or feminine gender as appropriate wherever the fact or context so requires.
  24. Insufficient Estate
  25. If the value of my estate is insufficient to fulfill all of the bequests described in this Will then I give my Executor full authority to decrease each bequest by a proportionate amount.
  26. No Contest Provision
  27. If any beneficiary under this Will contests in any court any of the provisions of this Will, then each and all such persons shall not be entitled to any devises, legacies, bequests, or benefits under this Will or any codicil hereto, and such interest or share in my estate shall be disposed of as if that contesting beneficiary had not survived me.
  28. Severability
  29. If any provisions of this Will are deemed unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed my name on this the _____ day of _____________, _____, at __________, Ohio, declaring and publishing this instrument as my Last Will, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, who witnessed and subscribed this Last Will at my request, and in my presence.

____________________ (Testator) Signature

SIGNED AND DECLARED by ____________________ on the _____ day of _____________, _____ to be the Testator's Last Will, in our presence, at __________, Ohio, who at the Testator's request and in the presence of the Testator and of each other, all being present at the same time, have signed our names as witnesses.

Witness #1 Signature
Witness #1 Name (Please Print)
Witness #1 Street Address
Witness #1 City/State

Witness #2 Signature
Witness #2 Name (Please Print)
Witness #2 Street Address
Witness #2 City/State

Witness #3 Signature
Witness #3 Name (Please Print)
Witness #3 Street Address
Witness #3 City/State

Last Updated December 30, 2024

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  • Last Will and Testament: A Last Will and Testament is an estate planning document used to determine how property is divided when you pass away. A Last Will is used by those who do not wish to create a Living Trust and Pour-Over Will as part of their estate plan.
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