Free Deed of Reconveyance

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Deed of Reconveyance


Undeveloped land

Your Deed of Reconveyance

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This document prepared by (and after recording returned to):
Name: ____________________________
Firm/Company: ____________________
Address: __________________________
Phone: ___________________________

Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number:



Above this line reserved for official use only


_________________________ of _________________________, (the "Trustee") does hereby certify and declare that the debt or other obligation in the amount of $__________ USD, secured by the Deed of Trust executed by _________________________ of _________________________, (the "Trustor"), the Trustee, and _________________________ of _________________________, (the "Beneficiary"), dated March 24, 2025 and recorded at the Office of the Register of Deeds of __________ on March 24, 2025 as __________________________________, has been FULLY PAID and SATISFIED. The Trustee hereby reconveys unto the Trustor, without warranty, all right, title and interest which was acquired by said Trustee under said Deed of Trust for the real property more particularly described as follows: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

EXECUTED by _________________________ on ________ day of ________________, ________.

in the presence of:


_________________________, Trustee




Before me, a Notary Public for the state of Ohio, appeared the above named _________________________, who acknowledged and signed the foregoing Instrument and his/her signing was his/her free act. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this ________ day of ________________, ________.

               Notary Public, State of Ohio

               (print name)

               My commission expires ___________

Last Updated December 30, 2024

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  • Mortgage Agreement: a contract between a buyer and lender in real estate where a lien is created on the property that is being sold in order to secure the full repayment of the loan
  • Satisfaction of Mortgage: a document that acknowledges that the terms of a Mortgage Agreement have been satisfied
  • Deed of Trust: a document that is used to transfer the title of a real property to a neutral trustee until the borrower pays off the loan
  • Letter of Intent: a non-binding letter between two parties that expresses the intent to continue negotiations in good faith
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