You can easily create a customized Directors’ Resolution by filling out LawDepot's questionnaire. Using our template will ensure you complete the necessary steps:
Step 1: Determine if the board of directors will hold a meeting
Start your Directors' Resolution document by determining if the board of directors will hold a meeting to discuss and sign the proposed resolution. If you choose not to have a meeting, the directors must send their consent to the corporation.
Step 2: Include where the company is incorporated
States have different laws regarding the operations of corporations. Include which state your company is incorporated in, and LawDepot will customize your Directors' Resolution to meet its rules and regulations.
Step 3: State the company’s name
State the name of your company in your Directors' Resolution.
Step 4: Provide each director’s name
List the full names of all the directors that will be signing the document. If you're holding a meeting, also include which directors are present and which are not.
Step 5: Provide details about the meeting (if applicable)
If the resolution is presented at a meeting, you need to include the address where the meeting is taking place, the full name of the person running the meeting and the full name of the person acting as secretary of the meeting.
Also, determine how the minutes from the last meeting will be adopted. Minutes are written records describing items the directors discussed during a board meeting, including actions taken and resolutions passed.
Minutes of the last regular meeting can be "adopted as read" or "adopted after discussion and with amendments." In other words, the directors can pass the actions and resolutions discussed in the last meeting as they were presented at the time, or the directors can discuss them further and make changes before making them official.
Step 6: Determine if the resolution will be certified.
A Certified Corporate Resolution requires the signatures of the company's president and secretary. Certification provides verification of the board resolution and is sometimes required by external organizations, such as banks, for specific purposes.
Step 7: Outline which resolutions are being implemented
Describe the resolutions you’re implementing and who they affect.
A common resolution that corporations pass is granting an individual general or bank signing authority.
Someone with general signing authority is empowered to manage the bank accounts of the corporation and sign documents that are normal for the day-to-day conduct of your business.
A banking resolution approves the opening and operating of a bank account with a specific bank or institution. It authorizes a signing officer with limited scope in dealing with the bank on behalf of the company.
Other resolutions you can pass include:
- Appointing an officer
- Authorizing a bank loan
- Granting authority to enter into a contract
- Granting authority to sell a corporate asset
Step 8: Sign the document
Complete your document by having all the appropriate parties provide their signatures.