Details of Clause to be Amended
e.g. 12. I bequeath the sum of $25,000 to my nephew John Thomas Lee, of Arlington, Texas, to be used for his sole use and enjoyment.
e.g. 12. I bequeath the sum of $50,000 to my nephew John Thomas Lee, of Arlington, Texas, to be used for his sole use and enjoyment.
e.g. 12A. I bequeath the sum of $25,000 to my nephew John Thomas Lee, of Arlington, Texas, to be used for his sole use and enjoyment.
e.g. 12, 18(1)
e.g. 12. I bequeath the sum of $25,000 to my nephew John Thomas Lee, of Arlington, Texas, to be used for his sole use and enjoyment.
New Beneficiary Details